2011年10月12日 星期三

Do You Need a Tool for Managing Twitter??

Manage Your The following and Follower in Twitter

Twitter are getting more and more popular among people recent years over the world. For me, twitter is just a platform for us to communicate with someone who we may or may not know, or just an application for us to have fun. However, I have a friend said that  he has 90,000 followers and the number is keep increasing. This may not surprise you, but the below capture may make you surprised.

A person posted a job advertisement employing someone to help him manage 4 twitter accounts. This is interesting to me at first, but after that I realize the reason behind - he keeps 4 accounts for his adult site business. This awake me with an idea - No matter what is your purpose of signing up Twitter, you have to manage it better.

In this article all of us will review the other significance of managing your following/followers on Twitter and a couple of tools to create a easy process to do so.

Why Do You Need To Worry About This?

2-Way Street
Social media in usual is a 2-way street, what's the point of paying attention to somebody that doesn't hear to you. Except there is a man or woman you are curious in following for different reasons and don't really care about a mutual relationship, you shouldn't follow. As Chris Brogan stated in one of his current articles, not every thing is about engagement, there are people worthy of listening to without having a 2-way street.

Healthier Followers To Following Ratio
First impressions are also critical in the social website. A person that!|s following a lot more individuals that he/she has followers, gives the impression to be in the game for the numbers or using mass-following strategies. Nobody is fascinated in a user like this. You might keep your own ratio at a maximum of 1 to 1.

Get Rid Of The Deadbeats
It is tough enough to keep up as it is, why should you be having relationships with people that are not even existing. Specially along with Twitter, many people register to never get back after a month. Keep it as clean as you can. Reduce the noise as much as possible.

Why Do You Require A 3rd Party Application?
basically, lack of visibility. How else can you notify who's who when you may see the big picture. Some 3rd-party apps provide you with that visibility making it very straightforward to determine the substantial relationships, the influencers, active users and also the deadbeats or people that are not interested on who you are.

Nowadays many tools are for manage Twitter just like the below one

The  tool I'll mention is ReFollow, from Originate Labs. A little more visual approach and not providing as much detail per user. Also, there are a few of additional filters, one I discover very crucial is the people that has mentioned you.
The search is another great feature offered in this tool. You can search for terms within the name, bio or last tweets of a user. A great way to find related people.
You can also sort out people by Tweet Count, Follow Count and Friend Count.

Manage your Friends and Followers   


Don't you think it it usable and amazing, let try it to manage your Twitter better.

